The increasing popularity of online learning has given rise to a lot of misconceptions about what it is and how it works. Many still think online learning isn’t as effective as traditional, in-person learning. However, that is not the case.
Studying online offers a lot of benefits that make it a great option for many students. It is more flexible and affordable and can be just as effective as traditional learning, if not more so.
So, what’s the truth about online learning? Read on as we debunk 7 myths about online education and set the record straight. After reading this, you’ll better understand what online learning is really like and whether it’s the right fit for you.
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1. Low Educational Standards
It is a common misconception that online courses aren’t as effective as traditional courses. This myth is perpetuated by the fact that anyone can create an online course without meeting any accreditation standards.
However, just because anyone can create an online course doesn’t mean they all have low standards. In fact, many accredited online colleges in Michigan, such as Eastern Michigan University, offer online courses that are of the same high standards as traditional ones.
So if you’re considering taking an online course, don’t let this myth dissuade you. With a little research, you can find online courses that are as rigorous and comprehensive as traditional courses.
2. Online Learning is Easy
Online learning is just as challenging as learning in a physical classroom. Because there’s no one there to remind you to do your work or keep you on track, and with more distractions, it can be more difficult to stay focused and get your work done.
So don’t be fooled into thinking that online study will be a walk in the park. Be prepared to put in the same effort (if not more) as you would for a traditional course.
3. You Won’t Have Enough Support
Another common myth is that online students don’t have enough support from their instructors and peers. However, the truth is that online students have access to a wealth of support resources. Many online colleges and universities offer various support services, including academic advising, tutoring, and career services.
Online students can access their course material 24/7 from anywhere in the world and often choose from various instructional formats. In addition, online students can get support from their peers by participating in online forums and discussion boards. These platforms provide a great way for students to connect with each other and get help with their coursework.
So if you’re considering an online degree, rest assured that you will have plenty of support along the way.
4. E-learning isn’t Interactive
Just because you aren’t sitting there doesn’t mean you can’t interact with teachers and other fellows. Contradictorily, e-learning can be made more engaging and interactive using resources such as discussion forums, group work, real-time chat, Collaborate Ultra, and more.
Additionally, online learning offers numerous advantages. First, online learning platforms are more user-friendly and intuitive than classroom-based learning platforms. Second, online learning platforms offer a more flexible and personalized learning experience. And third, online learning platforms typically provide more opportunities for collaboration and interaction between students and instructors.
So if you’re looking for an engaging and interactive learning experience, don’t write off online learning just yet. With the right platform and approach, it can be a great option for you.
5. Employers Don’t Value Online Degrees
It’s a popular belief that employers don’t hire candidates who earned their degrees online. Some people even state that companies would never consider applicants with an online degree. However, this isn’t always the case.
While in some industries, such as healthcare, it might be difficult for you to get into with an online degree. However, that’s not the case with all.
But in the technology industry, online learners are often preferred because they are often more experienced working remotely and are better at managing their time effectively. Online students also better understand the tools that are utilized in the corporate world.
In fact, many employers are encouraging their best employees to upskill themselves with online education while working for them. So if you’re considering an online degree, don’t let the myth that employers don’t like online degrees stop you from pursuing your educational goals.
6. Online Students Can’t Build a Network
While the internet has turned the world into a global village, some people still think you can’t build a network studying online. Just like we can make friends we have never met on social media, the same rule also applies to online learning.
So we’re limited to networking in the traditional education system, not online education, which allows us to network with professionals worldwide. Here are a few tips for online students who want to build a strong network:
- Get involved in online communities related to your field of study.
- Attend online events and webinars.
- Connect with other online students and ask for advice.
- Join a professional organization relevant to your field.
So don’t buy into the myth that online students can’t build a network. With a little effort, you can connect with other students and professionals worldwide.
7. You Have to be a Tech Whiz
The myth that online students have to be very tech-savvy is perpetuated by the fact that online courses require the use of technology. While it is true that online students need to be comfortable using technology, they do not need to be tech experts.
Most online courses use simple, user-friendly tools and platforms that anyone can easily learn. So if you’re considering taking an online course but are worried about your tech skills, don’t be!
Final Thought
It is important to do your research about online learning before deciding whether or not it is right for you. There are a lot of myths and half-truths out there that should not be trusted. Do your own research and talk to people who have experience with online learning.