Homework is a must when students go back home after school. Many people argue that students should not have homework because it is unnecessary and tiring.
Although they are tired after school, students need to do homework to understand the subject better and improve total grades at the end of the semester. Here are the top 15 reasons why students should have homework.
Table of Contents
- 1. Build Up Momentum for Learning
- 2. Build Responsibility and Discipline
- 3. Learn How to Solve Problems
- 4. Learn Hard Work Pays off
- 5. Help Manage Time Wisely
- 6. Improve School Performance
- 7. Improves Study Habits
- 8. Know How to Set Priorities
- 9. Make Sure They’re Learning at Home
- 10. More Comfortable Self-Learning Method
- 11. Can Give Teacher a Valuable Feedback
- 12. Build Healthy Competition Among Peers
- 13. Encourage Communication Between Parents and Child
- 14. Open A Bridge Of Communication
- 15. Practise Makes Perfect
1. Build Up Momentum for Learning
Homework has a positive impact on student’s motivation to learn because it provides them with the opportunity to practice what they have learned in school.
After doing their homework, students are able to review the information that they have studied in school and are motivated to study more because of the success gained from working hard on their homework.
2. Build Responsibility and Discipline
Homework could build up a habit of doing things independently. It is also a good chance for them to train themselves to be independent and responsible in future life.
3. Learn How to Solve Problems
Homework allows students to solve problems by finding workable solutions and solving them. If they can not, then they will keep trying and find a solution until they do. They will also feel more confident about themselves as students if they are able to understand what is being taught in school and how it applies to everyday life.
Homework makes students understand that they need to do more study to work out. This way, homework becomes a stepping stone for them as it provides them with opportunities to build up their knowledge and abilities.
Doing homework makes them feel confident about themselves because they are able to do so much even though they are still children.
4. Learn Hard Work Pays off
When students do their homework, they usually need to put lots of effort into it. This way, students will learn that hard work pays off and will be more motivated to try harder in school studies because they know that the effort is worth it.
Doing their homework makes them feel proud and confident about themselves because putting all effort into studying does not go to waste.
5. Help Manage Time Wisely
Homework helps students manage their time wisely because they have to complete the assigned tasks within a specific period of time after school.
Therefore, homework prevents students from wasting valuable hours playing or watching television and encourages them to spend time studying instead. It also makes them more efficient as they have to learn from their mistakes and find a way to maximize their time.
6. Improve School Performance
Homework helps students understand concepts better and improves their school performance. If they are not able to do well for one subject, then they would have lower total grades at the end of the semester. This motivates them to work harder because they want to excel in all subjects.
7. Improves Study Habits
Homework helps students form good study habits because they learn how to manage their time and follow instructions so that they would know how to set goals for themselves. This enables them to develop a strong work ethic and cooperate better with others through doing group assignments if there’s homework that needs to be done together with other students.
8. Know How to Set Priorities
Homework allows students to learn how to set priorities and become more organized. They can divide their time between homework and playtime with friends in order to study in the most effective way. They’ll also learn which homework to do first and which to put off until another time.
9. Make Sure They’re Learning at Home
Homework gives parents peace of mind because they know their children are using the time to study at home. At home, the child will be able to get help from them if needed and not waste time because they are studying when they could be doing other things like watching TV.
10. More Comfortable Self-Learning Method
Homework gives students a more comfortable learning environment as they do not feel like the teacher is watching over them all the time. This enables students to learn how to study independently and manage their own time as well as follow instructions so that they could become better at studying.
11. Can Give Teacher a Valuable Feedback
Homework provides teachers with valuable feedback on how students are absorbing the knowledge taught in school. Teachers will find out if students have understood what they have learned by seeing their homework. If there are some things that students do not understand, then the teacher would be able to explain them more clearly during class lessons.
Meanwhile, homework helps teachers identify which students need additional help and support to understand the concepts taught in school.
For instance, there might be a student who is struggling with completing his or her homework and receiving low scores for not understanding what was taught during class lessons. This allows the teacher to provide the necessary help and support that the student needs.
12. Build Healthy Competition Among Peers
Homework encourages students to compete with each other because they need to do well in all subjects so that they can have good total grades at the end of the semester. The competition motivates students to study hard because they are afraid of being beaten by other students.
13. Encourage Communication Between Parents and Child
Homework encourages communication between parents and their children as they can ask what homework their children have been given to do.
Parents will know what their children are learning in school and their performance in homework. They can also find out if their child is having difficulties in school as well as get the awareness of the problems that they might be having.
14. Open A Bridge Of Communication
Homework opens a bridge of communication between parents and teachers which allows them to know how school is going for their children. Parents will see if there are any problems that need to be solved by communicating directly with teachers.
15. Practise Makes Perfect
Practicing what they have learned at school enables students to remember things better. This is because when they are doing homework, they are actually practicing using their knowledge rather than simply following the process shown in textbooks.
They may make mistakes but in this way, they can learn from them and perfect themselves slowly over time.