Congratulations! You’ve been offered a job. You’re on the phone with your potential boss or HR when they give you some basic information about the role, salary and ask when you can start to work. What would you say to respond to the offer?
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First 3 Steps When Offered A Job Over the Phone
It is your time to ask questions about something you don’t understand clearly in the previous interview. And you can try to negotiate the offer if possible.
The following 3 steps can help you leave a good impression on the hiring manager and have a clear image of the job offer.
Step 1: Express Your Thanks
Firstly it is suggested to say thanks when you’re notified to get the job. You can simply say:
- “Thank you for this opportunity.“
- “Thanks for the offer.”
Step 2: Ask for More Info about the Job
Then you can say you’re excited to learn more about the job details. It is recommended not to make the decision until you have collected detailed information over the phone.
So you can say: “I would like to know about my role in the company, such as job position, salary, responsibility, report to whom, working hours, training, health insurance, growth opportunities, vacation, start date, and etc.”
And then listen carefully to the caller’s response.
Step 3: Negotiate the Offer if Needed
Furthermore, you can negotiate the salary or other conditions if needed. You can say, for example:
- “Is there any room to negotiate the salary? As I think there is a little gap between the salary and work.”
- “Would you consider increasing my offer?”
- “Another company offered me 20% higher, please can you consider it?”
After getting the information you asked for in step 2 and the offer in step 3, then you can evaluate the job opportunity by yourself. And finally, you have three choices: accept, decline, or hold the offer.
What to Say If Accept the Job Offer over the Phone
If you would like to accept the offer when the hiring manager’s phone calls in, most probably you have done the homework of this job opportunity as you think this job is suitable to you at the moment and is satisfied with your career development.
So you can say “Thanks for your offer and I’d like to accept it! Looking forward to joining your team soon.” Meanwhile, you can say “Please send me the formal offer by email to check if you’ve understood everything correctly.”
What to Say If You Want to Hold the Job Offer over the Phone
Holding the job offer is understandable as there are still many things to consider before accepting the offer. For example:
- You like this job opportunity but you and the hiring company may not reach an agreement for some items.
- You need more time to think twice about the job.
- You’re comparing this job offer with other offers you have also received.
- …
In this condition, kindly ask the hiring manager how much time you have to respond and request the written documents for the offer to double-check. They’ll wait for your feedback. A better option is to respond to the offer within a day or two.
You can say:
- “Can you allow me some time to discuss your offer with my wife/girlfriend and answer you within 2 working days?“
- “Can I get the offer in paper to look it thoroughly? ” and you say “I’ll respond with 1 working day.”
- “What if I’m waiting on another offer?”
What to Say if You’re Going to Decline the Job Offer over the Phone
You should politely decline the job offer if it isn’t a good fit to your goals at present, and briefly the reason why you are declining. Here are some samples you can say:
- “Thank you for your offer but this role is not a good fit for my goals at present.”
- “Sorry, I have just accepted another offer.”
- “Sorry, I can’t accept the offer with the current package. I hope we can renegotiate if you agree.”
The worst thing to do is nothing just let the offer deadline pass by without a response.
Final Thought
You should leave a positive and polite attitude on the other side of the phone whether you accept, decline, or hold the job offer. Be sure you show enthusiasm for the position and don’t be afraid to ask questions If you have been offered a job over the phone.