Lots of people associate meditation with religious practices, relaxation, and the ability to increase compassion for yourself. When you think about meditation, the last thing you imagine is someone wearing household gloves and scouring an oven.
Nevertheless, in reality, meditation and cleaning have way more in common than you might think. So, how can your ability to practice mindfulness change your attitude toward cleaning and help us turn a boring chore into a spiritual practice?
Let’s find the answer to this question by looking at some spiritual benefits cleaning can bring you.
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1. Clean Home and Peace of Mind
It’s difficult to disagree with the fact that a happy mind is a peaceful mind. But the mind operates in a physical environment. So, the way we perceive and interact with this environment is very important for our mental well-being.
Your living spaces and the way they look are often likened to your interior of yourselves, and for good reason. Therefore, keeping your houses clean is essential to your sense of inner peace.
That’s why the way your homes are organized has a direct effect on your overall well-being, and the cleaning itself can be regarded as a powerful form of mental relaxation.
Unfortunately, lots of people often end up dealing with unpleasant consequences of their failure to organize their homes properly. Even scientists emphasize the importance of decluttering and cleaning for self-care.
Thus, a study indicates that people who keep their spaces tidy tend to have fewer health problems than people with messy homes. Messy houses are more likely to lead to anxiety and chronic fatigue and aggravate depression in homeowners.
Meanwhile, cluttered homes can be responsible for listlessness, decreased concentration, and a feeling of being overwhelmed. As a result, a person may find it difficult to cope with everyday tasks efficiently.
2. Cleaning As Mediation
If you want to fend off gloomy thoughts, reduce stress, and enjoy a few minutes of total relaxation, treat yourself to a sitting meditation session. It’s just ideal for decluttering your mind.
Likewise, cleaning can be an effective practice for decluttering your living environment. When you organize things, throw away unnecessary stuff, dust off, vacuum, or mop the floors, you create order out of chaos, which is great.
That said, lots of people who earn enough are willing to hire professionals to get the work done, especially now that finding a London home cleaner is easier than ever.
It’s because many homeowners tend to associate cleaning with a heavy burden. If you also consider cleaning as a daunting and mind-numbing task, try to look at your household chores from a different angle.
The very act of cleaning can go a long way toward helping you to unwind and slow down your hectic pace of thoughts.
Meditation is nothing more than the ability to focus entirely on some repetitive task and enjoy yourself at the moment. And this is exactly what you can achieve by cleaning your space.
Something as simple as dusting or doing your dishes can help keep you focused on monotonous mundane chores that don’t carry any existential weight or philosophical meaning. This way, you can immerse yourself in what you’re doing and take your mind off pesky, intrusive thoughts.
Cleaning can help you engage in one of the most popular spiritual practices called mindfulness, which is an excellent way to reduce your everyday stress.
Final Thought
It’s not a surprise that cleaning can bring you many spiritual benefits. It’s an excellent way to practice mindfulness and declutter your living space, both literally and figuratively.
If you want to make the most of it, keep in mind that your control over your environment can have a direct effect on your mental well-being. So, don’t neglect your cleaning routine, and make sure to practice it regularly. It can help you stay positive, reduce stress, and gain a sense of inner peace.