Most probably you have seen homeless people on the street, what’s your thought when you meet them? Do you think of them as sad, helpless, hopeless or lonely?
Most people do. That’s why homeless people stay on the street. Because we pity them but no one wants to help them as they’re no longer regarded as a real member of our society.
Many of us feel bad for homeless people when we pass them by. Their clothes are torn, they’re covered in dirt and grime, they smell terrible. The moment we feel sorry for a homeless person, we don’t care what happens to them because they’re “pitiful.” Imagine how that would make us feel. If someone stopped caring about our pain or suffering simply because it wasn’t important enough to them.
However, if you help the homeless, your world and their world may be different. Here are the top 8 reasons why we should help them.
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Don’t Judge People from their appearance
We should judge people based on their actions and personality traits rather than the circumstances they were born into or the amount of money they have. That’s our job as compassionate human beings – treat others as we want to be treated, not to judge them based on their material possessions.
Every single person has the potential to do something great with their lives, even homeless people. Homelessness is a tragedy, but it doesn’t have to define a person’s entire character.
They Are Also Humans
Homeless people are still human beings, just like everyone else. They have hopes, dreams, goals and fears. They’re not just homeless people who need help with their lives. Helping them means making sure they have food in their stomachs, clothes on their backs and roofs over their heads.
While some people may see them as greedy or lazy, most homeless people are willing to work as hard as to get a place to sleep at night and some food to eat during the day.
Some of them simply aren’t able to escape the state they’re in and need a little help from others. We should help them instead of leaving them to survive on their own. We all need a little help sometimes, whether we’re homeless or not.
They Can Still Be Good People
The fact of the matter is that not all homeless people are drug abusers, alcoholics, mentally unstable or people like that. Some of them are actually really nice people before the homeless. They might even be more willing to help others than the average citizen of our society.
They Need Our Help Like We also Need Others’ Help
The unfortunate truth is that we can’t always depend on homeless people to save themselves. We need to step up to help them out because no one else will.
If we don’t, then who will? So if we want this problem to go away, it’s up to us to take action and help others out.
We all need a little help sometimes, and it’s not fair that homeless people have to go through this alone while the rest of us get to take advantage of other people’s misfortune just so that we can get ahead in life. So why don’t we do something about it?
When We Do Good, We Feel Good
This might sound selfish, but it’s true. Helping others makes us feel good about ourselves. Whether we’re giving up our time to volunteer or donating a little bit of money every month, doing good feels good.
You Make the Difference
Please don’t say that you can’t afford to do any of this. Trust me, even the smallest actions count. No matter how much you do for others, at least you’re doing something to help them out, and that makes all the difference in the world.
So if we all set our differences and prejudices aside and work towards solving this problem together as a society, then maybe we can make a change and make this world a better place.
What We Give Out, the World Comes Back to Us
The more we give, the more that will be given to us. People who believe in religious faith will tell you this is God’s way of paying his blessings onto you.
Others might say this is just a coincidence, but what they can’t explain is why it keeps happening over and over again? Some people call this Karma.
But the reality of the situation is that we reap what we sow and if we help others, then others will help us. That’s just how life works.
You May Give Them Hope and Bring the Future
You never know how your simple kindness can change someone else’s life for the better. Not to mention that you might inspire others to take action and help out, too.
They may even see your example and realize that they want to be more like you. Who knows what they’ll accomplish because of your help.
We all need a little bright spot in our lives sometimes, whether we’re homeless or not, and if you’re willing to offer that light for others to follow then it can’t be anything but a good thing.
Final Thought
We should help the homeless because they are humans who deserve to survive another day in peace and comfort like everyone else. Some of them might be really nice people in desperate need of someone to give them a chance. Not everyone can save themselves, so we need to step up to the plate and help them out.