If you spend even a little of your day online, you might have seen smile transformations all over social media. Also known as smile makeovers, these transformations can dramatically enhance your smile and dental health.
Over the past few years, smile transformations have also evolved with time to provide you with personalized smile makeovers. If you are not satisfied with your current smile, you might want to learn about the different ways dental technology can improve it the way you want.
To help you get the smile of your dreams, here’s a quick lowdown on how technology is used to transform smiles.
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Easily Find Imperfections
While you might know the role of basic dental supplies in diagnosing dental concerns, you may be surprised to learn just how modern technology detects cosmetic imperfections.
With solutions like digital smile design, your dentist can easily learn about aesthetic problems in your smile. This process is virtually painless and requires little to no prodding, which can alleviate many fears that you may have about visiting the dentist.
Personalized Smile Improvements
When your dentist uses modern technology to improve your smile, they can also personalize the suggested enhancements that could give you picture-perfect rows of teeth.
Besides imaging solutions, dentists can make it possible using modern dental labs. These specialized centers use advanced equipment to craft personalized tooth replacements and treatments that ensure your smile looks divine while maintaining a natural appearance.
Visualize Anticipated Results
With modern technology, your dentist can also visualize the results of suggested treatments suitable for your smile makeover. This ensures that any treatments you opt for provide your desired outcome.
Besides letting you know what you can expect from your smile transformation, this also lets you manage treatment costs via your budgeting app.
Delivers Long-lasting Enhancements
If you like reading about topics like different types of dental assistants, you may already know that the kinds of materials used to repair or replace teeth have grown stronger over time. For example, dentists don’t use amalgam anymore.
Instead, they prefer composite resin for dental bonding and titanium, zirconium, and polyetheretherketone (PEEK) for implants. This not only delivers safe treatments but also ensures long-lasting results.
Simplified At-home Treatments
If you are used to doing your personal makeovers at home with solutions like a makeup kit, you might be happy to know that modern smile transformations can also deliver at-home treatments.
These mostly come in the form of teeth-whitening solutions. But instead of age-old treatments that could have a lot go wrong with them, these solutions remain safe and easy to apply while being effective in their results.
Reduced Treatment Times
While it has always been easy to identify a baby tooth and get it treated, other solutions, like dental retainers or implants, used to take a lot of time. With modern solutions, you can get these personalized treatments made for you without waiting months.
This ensures you can access the dental solutions you need without putting your oral health and overall confidence on the line for a long time.
Lowered Treatment Costs
There’s little doubt that dental treatments can cost you an arm and a leg. However, new technologies are being accepted by dental insurance to cover some of these expenses. Reducing treatment time can also decrease the cost of smile transformations. This effect is also seen in dental tourism, where some countries offer reduced costs for smile makeovers.
After learning about the benefits of modern dental technology, you can be more confident in your decision to go through a smile transformation. As long as you reach out to experienced dentists, you can rest assured that you will enjoy all of these perks during your treatment.