If you’re looking for a lifestyle that works and travels at the same time. Here are 10 careers that you may have an interest in.
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1. Freelancers
If you have a skill that others need, then you can start making money online. You can offer your services on platforms like Fiverr to pay for your travels because you still have income while traveling. If you’re an SEO specialist, you can also do the projects for yourself, like affiliate marketing, or monetize with advertisements. You can lay on the beach while still making money from your websites.
2. Remote Employees
One of the best ways to do more than just work and travel is to be a remote employee. Your employee will let you work from wherever as long as you have some sort of internet connection. You can get to wherever to get your job done. Hiring remote employees is common in Coronavirus time for big companies, such as Google.
3. International Sales
Working as an international sales is another great option. This type of job generally doesn’t require you to be in the office all the time, and it gives you the opportunity to travel, meet people, and work abroad.
Many jobs of this type are created by companies that want to increase their presence in foreign markets. If you have an interest in and have the skills needed for these positions, you can try them. Selling and negotiating are two capabilities in this job, but you can also learn during the work.
4. Engineers
Like international sales, engineers in big companies can also work and travel together. They often go to other states or abroad to install equipment. This job may need a high request for technology.
5. Be Your Own Boss
While this may not be the easiest method of accomplishing your goal, it is by far one of the most rewarding. Being your own boss can make you independent and allow you to work from anywhere. Meanwhile, you will have more time to spend the holiday with your family when your business is stable and don’t need you to put in much time and energy.
6. Travel Blogger
If you’re a travel blogger, you can also work and travel at the same time. You can either blog about the many countries you visit. Some travel bloggers make money through blog advertisements and write traveling books, while others receive sponsorships and advertising fees (including free accommodation). It is up to you to decide which way to monetize your blog or make money through traveling.
7. English Teacher Overseas
Working as an English teacher overseas is a great way to make money while working abroad. However, it isn’t always possible to work and travel at the same time. Many schools expect their teachers to be available during certain hours of the day, not knowing where they are or what they are doing in their free time.
8. Tour Guide
Tour guides typically lead groups of tourists through different areas of a city or country, showing them the sights and explaining the history and culture of the area. This job can be a great way to see new places while earning money.
9. Flight Attendants
Flight attendants can often find work with airlines that have routes all over the world, which means they get to see many different places while getting paid to do it. In addition, flight attendants are often given free or discounted airfare for themselves and their families, which makes traveling even easier.
10. Sailors
If you are a sailor, you can either work or travel. You don’t have to choose one over the other, so it’s two birds with one stone. You can see the beautiful world while working on a boat. Plus, the money isn’t bad either.