Today’s era of massive digitization presents a unique opportunity for brands to stand out and make an impact in the digital environment. And one way to do so is via animated logos. But not just any old animated logo will do, and a professional one can be quite costly, which is why free animated logo maker apps like VistaCreate exist to help you design your own logo animation.
With an impact way higher than other forms of visuals, a well-designed animated logo adds to the value of a brand, serving as an effective tool to convey the company’s motto. A good logo draws your audience in without becoming boring or repetitive, forever searing your brand into their minds.
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What is an Animated Logo?
Simply put, a logo animation or animated logo is a logo with motion graphics or animation added. There are many types of animated logos, of which the main ones are:
Rotating Logo
You can make a rotating logo in which each component is moving.
3D Logo
As suggested by the name, 3D logos employ 3D animation to capture the audience’s attention.
Hand-drawn Logo
Hand-drawn animated logos have a customized, human touch that can help a firm connect with its audience.
Expanding Logos
When creating a logo, it’s important to consider how it will look in a crowded, cramped area and an area with lots of empty space. You can employ motion to scale or expand your logo to any dimension.
A Simple or Detailed Logo?
Your logo animation is different from a trailer, video, or advertisement. Like any 2D logo, animated logos should introduce your brand mission interestingly and memorably. To achieve this goal, your logo must be simple, concise, and to the point.
However, being simple does not necessarily mean it should be average. It’s best to express your brand using a visually appealing logo that is simple and easy to recognize but different enough to stand out.
How Long Should the Animation of Your Logo Be?
To help you determine the ideal length of the animation on your animated logo, consider the following questions:
1. How Many Times Will An Average Watcher View the Same Animation?
All of us have probably skipped over a few logo animations. If your viewers are bound to see your logo animation repeatedly, consider keeping it brief and of sufficient quality, so they won’t be inclined to skip through.
The main question to ask here is if your viewers will watch your content in a binge-like fashion. If so, then choosing a medium or longer length requires a very excellent explanation. The recommended duration for animations in the GIF format would be no longer than 5 seconds.
2. What Is the Duration of the Videos That Will Include Your Animation?
If your video is shorter than 60 seconds, the ideal logo length will probably be 5 seconds or less. If your video content lasts minutes, then 5-10 seconds would do the trick. And if your material is hours long, 10-30 seconds would be preferable.
3. What Do You Hope to Achieve With the Animated Logo?
By using the animation, do you intend to explain your company? A longer duration might be appropriate in this case, allowing you to integrate more of your brand’s personality into the animation to strengthen it.
But if you intend to utilize the animation to brand your social media videos, it’s best to keep it between 3 and 10 seconds.
4. How Much Efforts Can You Put Into Making Your Animation Look Amazing?
The longer the length, the less tolerant viewers will be of poor work, especially if your animation exceeds 10 seconds. The safest time seems to be between 4-6 seconds, which is probably true for 95% of the animated logos out there.
A logo animation lasting 5 seconds is most appropriate for small pieces of content like vines or movie trailers. While a 30-second animation might just work at the beginning of a full film or something comparable.
Final Thought
If your animated logo is longer than 10 seconds, people will get bored. As attention spans get shorter in the age of instantly accessible and digestible material, the shorter your logo animation, the better. Ask yourself the four main questions described in this article to determine your ideal logo length.