Dental problems such as misalignment can start from an early age making it essential to take your child to a pediatric orthodontist to avoid the issues. Early intervention will help prevent severe problems in the future and reduce the chances of long-term diseases.
Moreover, getting treatment in the early stages of life is much simpler because once the jaws and teeth are fully developed, treating various ailments gets complicated.
Many people have orthodontic problems from birth due to genetics or might develop such ailments in the early stages of their life.
Misaligned teeth or an improper bite makes it difficult for your child to chew their food and negatively impacts their face’s structure.
The treatment under orthodontics for kids is the same as it would for adults, but such dentists know how to deal with children and will ensure that the child is comfortable during the treatment.
This helps reduce their anxiety about treatments and instills good oral hygiene habits.
Here are some signs of orthodontic issues in children.
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1. Crowded or Crooked Teeth
If your child’s teeth grow unevenly or in the wrong direction, they require orthodontic attention. This issue is prevalent when they start developing their adult teeth, which could grow into each other, or sometimes two teeth start growing from the same roots.
Such an ailment can be treated with a minor if the issue is identified early. So, it is advised that you take your child for regular visits to the dentist.
2. Slurred Speech
Misalignment in the jaw and crooked teeth can often cause difficulties in speaking as the teeth might make it difficult for the child to open their mouth correctly. In some cases, it also restricts tongue movement for better speech.
3. Mouth Breathing
If your child breathes from the mouth, it can affect their jaws and facial structure. Moreover, mouth breathing is a common cause of misalignment in teeth, and it can even cause the gums to inflate, leading to issues like gingivitis.
4. Thumb-sucking
If your child still has a habit of sucking their thumb even when they are four to six years old, it could be because they are trying to alleviate the pain of a protruding tooth.
In such a case, you must take them to the orthodontist for kids as they will be able to find the root cause of the problem and offer treatment for the same.
5. Early or Late Loss of Baby Teeth
A child can grow their permanent-adult teeth only when their baby teeth have fallen. By the time a child is twelve years old, all baby teeth must be replaced by adult teeth. But, if they lose their baby teeth early, it could be an issue due to an ailment or abnormal growth. This could be pointing toward orthodontic problems.
6. Difficult in Eating
Difficulty in eating may present itself in various forms. Many kids might try chewing from their incisors or avoid chewing from one side of their mouth. They might not be able to communicate the problem, so if you notice them chewing improperly, you must schedule an appointment with the orthodontist.
Final Thought
Orthodontics for kids is similar to orthodontics for adults, but it is essential to treat children with utmost care in such matters. Taking them to an orthodontist who does not have ample experience dealing with children might make the child anxious and make them fear the treatment.
You must remember that the child might not be able to communicate the exact problem they are going through, so you must pay close attention to these signs of orthodontic ailments.