If you have not experienced the pain of arthritis, it can be easy to misunderstand or not appreciate what arthritis sufferers feel on a daily basis. Although there is currently no cure for arthritis, there are ways to slow the progression and manage the pain once arthritis begins.
So, whether you have been recently diagnosed with arthritis, have family members with arthritis and want to minimize the chances of it impacting your life, or are just interested in keeping your body as healthy as possible, read on for more information about dealing with arthritis and the pain the condition causes.
1. Slow Arthritis Progression
As mentioned above, there is no way to cure arthritis once it begins. However, there have been numerous medical studies completed into ways that progression can be slowed to help sufferers.
One of the most consistent findings of medical studies is that exercise is the best way to slow the progression of osteoarthritis. It has also been found that exercise can help to reduce the pain experienced daily from arthritis.
The amount and intensity of exercise for arthritis progression and pain is not as much as you may think. Thirty minutes of moderate exercise completed five times per week can be enough to keep joints mobile and strengthen the muscles that support those joints. Exercise will help to improve movement of both muscles and joints.
Maintaining a healthy weight is also another important aspect of slowing the progression of arthritis. If you carry extra weight, this will increase the pressure on your joints, which will, in turn, increase pain and speed up joint deterioration.
Protecting your joints from injury where possible or using the correct joint support bandages when needed is another way to slow the progression of arthritis. Overall, leading a healthy lifestyle is the best way to reduce the impact that arthritis will have on your life.
2. Control Arthritis Pain
In addition to slowing the progression of arthritis, most sufferers will also require pain relief to deal with the day-to-day pain and discomfort arthritis causes. Pain relief can include both traditional and holistic medications in addition to the physical and lifestyle adjustments discussed above.
Traditional medications will include anti-inflammatory medications, which work to reduce swelling in the joints to ease the pain of movement. As pain progresses, pain relief may begin to include stronger medications such as opioid-based pain relief.
Holistic and complementary therapies have also been found to be effective by some arthritis sufferers. Holistic therapies could include acupuncture, massage, and physiotherapy. Some find yoga or Thai chi to be helpful too.
In addition to holistic therapies, there are a number of non-medical supplements that have been found, by some, to be helpful in managing the pain of arthritis. Supplements include glucosamine, additional turmeric, or ginger added to food or taken as a supplement.
It has also been found that CBD for arthritis pain can be effective, this can be added to an electric cigarette or can be taken as a gummy.
Whichever type of holistic therapy you choose, we recommend that you ensure that you choose a licensed practitioner and purchase supplements from a licensed company.